Introverted Socializing (Damn It, I’ve Joined The Matrix)

Dear World

Please Kill Me,

Greetings, and happy Thursday my acidic authors of audacious adventures, (#SayThat5TimesFast #DidYouDoIt? “HAHAHAHA!!!!” #MadeYouTalkToYourself), how the hell are ya?

In any case (O.J. or otherwise) I’m glad to have you here (and unarmed) for another roundabout convo with Uncle Keyboard and His Caffeinated Digits.  Today, I have somewhat of a P.S.A. That’s right, some somber news, that’s fit to print–but oh…HOW I LOATHE THE LOSS!!!!

That’s right kids. They got me!

*drops to knees* 

*shakes fist at satellites*

“Damn you! God, DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!!”

*rips open shirt*


Yep, it’s true. After years of avoiding the madness that is the #DirtyBlueBirdy, I’ve finally been caught by the tepid grasp of influence and power. SHUNNED FROM THE DARKNESS OF SECRETS AND PRIVACY! CAST OUT INTO THE STORM OF PUBLIC OVERVIEW!!!!

*drops to knees again*

*punches ground*


*rips off pants*

So, yeah…I’ve got a Twitter. (#LongRoad #SoWorthIt). For those of you interested in keeping up with my shenanigans (*mutters under breath* “Because apparently, I have to report them now), feel free to follow me  @I_AM_ANTWAN. (Real creative name…right?).

Any wazzle, all jokes aside, it’s a new account so let’s see how fast we can build the numbers for my army of rebels. Or, you know…just keep in touch with each other. Either/or(…tomayto/tomahto?), is fine with me. (We shall bask in the blood of those who’ve blocked us!)

Hmmm…. What else, what else, what else? Oh, Yea, that’s right. I’ve also got a couple new Amazon pages.

One for Authorship—> Amazon Author Page


One for Screenwriting (I’ve been dabbling)—> Amazon Studios

AND>>>>>>>>Of course, RED MATTER: A COLLECTION OF THINGS!!!!… Is still a 99¢ thing–


Going pretty decent right now, actually. So, thank you to all of you who’ve bought, liked, shared, and commented. Please continue to do so, (the proceeds will fund our Twitter rebellion).

And that’s all I’ve got for you today kids. Ol’ Antwan has been a busy fool, but it’s all forward stuff…(except for that trip to Mexico…that was very backward, but also just for me #Horchata #OrWasIt?)

Anywho, I’ll see you all before the aliens attack with more news from wherever I am right now.

Crush Your Thursday,

–Antwan Crump.


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